The Benchmark for Comic Customer Service – Otherworldly Comics

January 17, 2024

An interview with Brady Hughes, owner of Otherworldly Comics.

Tomorrow, my interview with Brady Hughes, owner and operator of Otherworldly is released at 8am Friday the 18th, 2024 wherever you get your podcasts.

I am not going to dive into the story that I talk about in the intro, but these are the books here:

Since 2014, Brady has been a content creator, business owner and all around nice guy. When I originally launched Dominus Comics (way to early, which I also touch on in the episode) he was always willing to share whatever knowledge he had.

He would also hunt for me as well. I told him that I was on the hunt for the first appearance of Magik and, within like a week, he had shared two ebay links with me; one out of budget, but a fair price and another that kind of felt like stealing to me.

Long story short, when I decided to bring back the podcast in full force, I definitely asked Brady if he would come on. I value his opinions, love his taste (he’s also a big Star Wars fan) and respect him as a business owner.

I consider interviewing quite the honor.

I know you’re all dying for the new podcast interview, so consider this a little appetizer.


1. What sparked your passion for comics, and how did it lead to your involvement in the Instagram comic business?

I started avidly reading comics as a younger kid. As I got a bit older, and realized I could afford most of the books I once wanted, I caught the collecting bug. This was about 15-20 years ago. Soon after that, I started an Instagram page to share my books with the community. This led to people asking me if I would sell some books to them. The rest is history. There wasn’t a huge amount of people selling comics on Instagram at the time. I’ve sold a lot of great books over the years. I credit Frank Miller’s Daredevil run for being the catalyst of rekindling my love for comic books.  

2. I know the answer, but – Marvel or DC – and why does that universe resonate with you?

Marvel! But I do enjoy both. My inventory probably consists of 80% Marvel, 15% DC and 5% Indie, if I were to guesstimate. I grew up on Marvel during the 80s and 90s. I guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!

3. Can you share a favorite memory or experience with doing business online that stands out to you?

There’s been so many over the years, sometimes it’s hard to keep track. I think giveaways are great, I’ve been on both ends of those. But nothing feels better than giving away a book to someone who truly appreciates it. Dave (CPV_Crush) has sent me a few surprise packages over the years, which I have reciprocated. He’s a great dude! Also, Torpedo comics sent me a complimentary mystery box one time, filled with signed comics. That was pretty cool of them! I honestly don’t really like to toot my own horn in regards to what I’ve personally done for the community. I’m sure other people have some good stories, but I’ll let them tell those. Oh, one time someone shipped me a comic in a fully erect Lucky Charms box. That was pretty funny! 

4. If you could have any superpower from the comic world, what would it be and why?

Hmm good question! I always gravitated to super speed. Back when I was young, I used to be into sports and running. I was fast! Let me tell you. So, I always admired The Flash and wished I could be as fast as him! Now, as an “adult”, I gravitate more toward The Thing. He’s big, lumpy and grumpy. Need I say more? 

5. Tell us about the character or storyline that you’ve read in comics that’s resonated with you and why?

My favourite run-in comics, as I previously mentioned, is as follows. Frank Miller (Daredevil 158-191): I always loved DD as a kid but as I got older, I realized that the stories in this run weren’t just for kids, they were actually very dark and gritty. As someone in their early 20s reading these books for the first time, I was instantly fascinated, and it made me want to expand my horizons and find similar storylines in the comic world. Plus, the artwork was groundbreaking for the time. The actual layouts too. I’m always an art guy first when it comes to comics. It’s definitely a visual medium for me. I also learned that life can kick the hell out of you sometimes, but you always got to get back up and keep fighting! Honourable mentions go to X-Men (94-143) and Jim Starlin’s run on Captain Marvel (25-34).

6. Who do you think would win: Iron Man or Batman? And why?

I’m not touching that question with a 10-foot pole! Sounds like a good “What If?” issue to me…

7. How do you balance the enjoyment of the hobby with running a business on Instagram? Does it ever feel like work when you’re reading comics?

This is my passion. I truly love what I do on a daily basis. As most things, it started as a side hustle and just naturally evolved over time. I’m just being myself and following the path ahead of me. At first, it was hard letting go of certain books, but after a while, it became easier to let go. The more you sell, the easier it becomes. Now that I’ve taken the step to legitimize myself as a business entity, it still feels the same. After all these years I still get that warms fuzzy feeling thumbing through a random Bronze Age issue, and that sweet smell, you just can’t beat it! Reading comics should never seem like a task, if it does, I just won’t bother. Always collect (and read) what you love. It’s a bit harder to keep up these days, but I try my best to read what I buy. I like reading new indie books more than anything these days, to be perfectly honest.

8. What role do social media platforms like Instagram play in the modern comic industry, and how has it helped you work?

Instagram has changed a lot over the years, specifically the algorithms. It has been a great help for the majority of the years that I’ve been active on there. But in recent years, it’s become a lot harder for my posts to reach my followers. This is honestly pretty frustrating. I have worked really hard to gain around 16,000 organic followers on the platform, but sometimes my posts won’t even reach 100 people. It’s not like the good old days when I would post a NM copy of Amazing Spider-Man 252, get around 500 likes and sell the book within minutes! Those days are long gone. But this doesn’t detour me, it honestly fuels me even more! Consistency and persistence are key in this game and most of the time you just have to plow through with little recognition. I use paid ads quite a bit now, to highlight whatever promotion we currently have running. That seems to help a bit. But yes, the golden age of Instagram is a thing of the past now, but at the end of the day, I’m still thankful for all the good times we had. Raffles are still big, along with live sales. Neither of which are we that keen on, we try to let the books speak for themselves.

9. If you could collaborate with any comic artist or writer, living or deceased, who would it be and why?

I’m not sure if collaborate would be the right word, but I would love to sit down and have a coffee with Steve Ditko, and listen to him tell me stories about the early days of Spider-Man. It would be nice to hear his side of the story for once. He strikes me as a bit of an eccentric genius and I think the conversation would be very interesting. I would also want exclusive rights to this interview so I could share it with the rest of the world! I guess the closest we’ll get is the documentary “In Search of Steve Ditko”.

10. How do you stay inspired and motivated in such a dynamic and ever-changing industry?

You have to be able to handle the ups and downs from year to year. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, I’m in it for the long haul. It’s a lifelong journey. And as long as you love what you’re doing, motivation comes easy. Having a positive attitude is paramount! Put integrity and honesty first, you can’t go wrong! The thrill of the hunt is what mainly keeps me going and making other people happy. “With great power, comes great responsibility”.

11. Can you share any challenges you’ve faced while building your business online?

I got injured at my job in late 2021 and was unable to work for about a year and a half. While at home, I was talking to my close friend Evan one day and talking about future ideas. I mentioned I’d like to make a comic website someday, he was really supportive and pushed me in the right direction, and by the end of that week, I was working with Evan and taking those first steps, buying a domain name etc. This is obviously something I’ve never done before, but I was all in. I decided to make a drastic career change and follow my heart. With no experience in web design or online retail, I jumped in feet first. It took me about a year, with a very limited budget, and a lot of man hours, to get the website up and running. This included over 2,500 listings, with descriptions and front and back photos. All website design was done by me personally. There isn’t one thing on the site that I didn’t learn how to do myself. So, I’ve learned a lot and I think I have a firm grasp now. It’s my baby, and I can’t wait to see it grow in coming years! It’s been challenging the entire time but also extremely rewarding.

12. What advice would you give to aspiring content creators, collectors or entrepreneurs looking to make a mark on platforms like Instagram?

Do it for the love, not the clout! If you’re genuine and this is something you really want to do, then it will happen when the time is right! Be knowledgeable about what you display. I’ve already peppered some advice throughout this interview, but the main thing is “do you”. Don’t follow the crowds, be creative and think outside the box. The rest is easy! And to anyone out there that feels like they need a bit of help, or some more friendly advice, you can reach out to me directly anytime via Instagram or email and I will be more than happy to assist as best as I can. As proud members of this gigantic comic book community, we all need to look out for each other. 


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