Here at Otherworldly Comics, we realize grading can be very subjective. With that being said, we do our very best to be as conservative as possible. Every comic on our website has been given a grade estimate. Plus, we always provide front and back cover photos of every comic we list! We never assign grades higher than NM+ (9.6) to raw comics, no matter how pristine they are! All magazines are graded and listed using the exact same methods. For traditional books and novels, we provide front and back photos, along with a picture of the copyright page. We also give a rough grade estimate for all books (Low, Low/Mid, Mid, Mid/High, High). As far as our tapes go, we test every one to ensure they are in good working order. We provide front and back photos of the box, accompanied by a picture of the tape itself. We do our very best to include any other important photos on a case by case basis. We also try to mention any defects that may not be visible or easy to see. If you have any specific questions about the condition of a certain item, please contact us directly. We encourage all of our customers to shop with complete confidence!